Wow! These cinnamon rolls and egg bread were three days in the making. I started the sponge on Friday evening: 1 cup water, 1 cup heated milk, 1 teaspoon of yeast, and enough flour to make a very thick soup. I stirred it all together, and put it in the fridge to make the next day, but never got to it. I pulled it out this morning, added another 1/2 cup of flour, just to make extra, a 1/4 cup of melted butter, two teaspoons of yeast, three eggs, 1 Tablespoon of sugar, more flour... I put it in the oven to rise, and took a nap. When I got up, it had risen all over the oven! That was all right; I took it out, and scrubbed the oven cleaner than it was before. :-D I rolled out part of the dough, brushed melted butter all over it., and then sprinkled it very generously with cinnamon sugar. Then I rolled it up, and sliced it, placing the slices face up in a buttered casserole dish. The other part of the dough, I shaped into a loaf. I placed them both in the warm oven again, and waited about an hour, by which time they had risen like a dream! I left them in the oven, and just turned the oven on. The rolls baked for 30 minutes, and the bread for about 50 minutes at 350 degrees.